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Dr Omolabake Fakunle

Dr Fakunle joined the FJSS Group board in 2024 years after moving to the UK (in 2011) for academic purposes. Her educational qualifications include PhD Education from University of Edinburgh, MSc Educational Research from University of Edinburgh, BA (Hons) Business Administration (1st Class) from University of Central Lancashire, and HND Accountancy from Yaba College of Technology in Nigeria. 

She is part of the MHSES Institute for Education Community & Society and her research has explored the intersection of internationalisation, inclusivity, employability, and education policy. In 2018, Dr Fakunle won the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Estelle Brisard Memorial Prize awarded to an early career educational researcher for excellence and promise in their work. She also won the SERA’s 3-Minute Capsule Competition in 2017 and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).  

At the University of Edinburgh, Dr Fakunle is currently: the director for equality, diversity and inclusion, the co-convenor for the race and Inclusivity in Global Education Network (RIGEN); the course organiser for the Higher Education in the Global Context (MSc, Education) programme; a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy; a member of the Steering Group for the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) Project on Decoloniality (2021-2024) and she was the Coordinator for the MSc Education (General) Pathway (2019 to 2022). 

Dr Fakunle led the Moray House Race Equality Subgroup between 2020 and 2021 and wears many other hats locally and internationally. She joins the FJSS Group board as the lead person on strategic partnerships and this will be very helpful as the organisation continues to raise its profile and establish essential networks.

Board Member, FJSS Group